The response received from the server to a browser's request is known as an HTTP status code. An HTTP status code is a three-digit code that the website's server returns to your browser after it receives a request from the browser when you visit the site.
HTTP status error code five classes:-
1. Informational responses (100 – 199)
2. Successful responses (200 – 299)
3. Redirection messages (300 – 399)
4. Client error responses (400 – 499)
5. Server error responses (500 – 599)
HTTP status error code five categories:-
1xx: Informational
These status codes are followed by an empty line and denote a temporary response that just includes the status line and optional headers.
100 Continue: The server has received and has not yet rejected the first portion of a request. If the client feels that the request is finished, they should proceed with it or disregard it.
101 Protocol Switching: The server is aware of the client's request to switch protocols and is prepared to accommodate it.
102 Processing (WebDAV): The request has been received and is being processed by the server; however, a response is not yet available.
103 Early Hints: Response headers are returned prior to the final HTTP message.
These status numbers show that the request was successfully received, comprehended, and approved by the customer.
2xx: Success
These status codes indicate that the client's request was successfully understood, received, and accepted.
200 OK: The query has been fulfilled. The HTTP method determines the significance of the success.
201 Created: One or more new resources have been generated as a result of the request being granted.
202 Accepted: Although the request has been approved for processing, it hasn't yet been finished.
203 Non-Authoritative Information: Although the request was successful, a transforming proxy changed the contained payload from the origin server's 200 OK answer.
204 No Content: The request was successfully handled by the server, but no content is being returned.
205 Reset Content: The request was successfully handled by the server, which is not returning any content in exchange for the requester resetting their document view.
206 Partial Content: Because of a range header that the client submitted, the server is only providing a portion of the resource.
207 Multi-Status (WebDAV): Offers status information for several separate processes.
208 Already Reported (WebDAV): The members of a DAV binding are not being added to the list that was previously provided in response to this request.
226 IM Used: The response is a representation of the outcome of one or more instance modifications performed on the current instance. The server has completed a GET request for the resource.
3xx: Redirection
These status codes suggest that the user agent needs to take more steps in order to process the request.
300 Multiple Choices: Provides the client with a number of options to choose from while using the resource.
301 Moved Permanently: The provided URI should be used for this and all subsequent requests.
302 Found: Directs the user to visit a different URL.
303 See Other: A GET method can be used to find the request's response under a different URI.
304 Not Modified: This indicates that no changes have been made to the resource since the previous request.
305 Use Proxy: The proxy specified in the Location field must be used to access the resource that has been requested.
306 Unused: This code is reserved and was used in an earlier version of the specification. It is now not in use.
307 Temporary Redirect: The original URI should still be used in future requests, but the request should be sent again using a different URI.
308 Permanent Redirect: Use a different URI for this request and any subsequent ones.
4xx: Client Errors
These status codes suggest that there appears to have been a mistake by the client.
400 Bad Request: A client mistake (such as a request with improper syntax) prevents the server from processing the request.
401 Unauthorized: An authentication attempt was made, but it was unsuccessful or not made available.
402 Requires Payment: Set aside for potential future use.
403 Forbidden: The request was recognized by the server, but it was not approved.
404 Not Found: There was an error locating the requested resource.
405 Method Not Allowed: The resource you have requested does not support the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable: Based on the Accept headers given in the request, the requested resource can only produce content that is not acceptable.
407 Proxy Authentication Needed: The client needs to use the proxy to authenticate itself first.
408 Request Timeout: While awaiting the request, the server ran out of time.
409 Conflict: A conflict with the resource's existing state prevented the request from being fulfilled.
410 Gone: The requested resource has been removed and won't be available again.
411 Length Required: The requested resource requires a certain length of information, which was not specified in the request.
412 Precondition Failed: One of the preconditions that the requester specified on the request is not met by the server.
413 Payload Too Large: The request exceeds the server's capacity or willingness to handle.
414 URI Too Long: The server was unable to process the given URI due to its length.
415 Unsupported Media Type: The media type used by the request entity is one that neither the resource nor the server support.
416 Range Not Satisfiable: The server is unable to provide the client with the requested portion of the file.
417 Expectation Failed: The server is unable to satisfy the Expect request-header field's requirements.
418 I'm a Teapot: The server refuses the attempt to construct coffee with a teapot.
421 Misdirected Request: An unresponsive server was the target of the request, which was misdirected.
423 Locked (WebDAV): There is a lock on the resource being accessed.
424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV): The request was denied because the prior request had failed.
425 Too Early: This error message means that the server is not ready to take a chance on handling a request that could be repeated.
426 Upgrade Needed: The client has to change its protocol.
428 Prerequisite Needed: The request must be conditional according to the origin server.
429 Too Many Requests: In the allotted period, the user has issued too many requests.
431 Request Header Fields Too Big: The request's header fields are too big, hence the server won't process it.
451 Unavailable Due To Legal Requirements: In response to a court order, the server is restricting access to the resource.
5xx: Server Errors
These status codes mean that a legitimate request was not fulfilled by the server.
500 Internal Server Error: The request could not be completed by the server due to an unforeseen circumstance.
501 Not Implemented: The functionality needed to complete the request is not supported by the server.
502 Bad Gateway: The upstream server sent an incorrect response to the server that was serving as a gateway or proxy.
503 Service Unavailable: The request is not being handled by the server at this time.
504 Gateway Timeout: The server, which was serving as a proxy or gateway, was not able to get a prompt answer from the upstream server.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported: The request's HTTP protocol version was not supported by the server.
507 Inadequate Storage: The representation required to fulfill the request cannot be stored by the server.
508 Loop Detected (WebDAV): During the request processing phase, the server discovered an endless loop.
510 Not Extended: In order for the server to perform the request, additional extensions are needed.
511 Network Authentication Required: In order to access the network, the client must authenticate.
These status codes aid in the diagnosis of problems with web communication by giving comprehensive information about the success or failure of HTTP requests.